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Planning Board Minutes 2006/02/09
Lyme Planning Board
Minutes of February 9, 2006
1.      Acting chair Jack Elliott opened the meeting at 7:35 PM.  The following members and alternates were present: Jack Elliott, Dick Jones and Ben Kilham.  The following members of the public attended all or parts of the meeting: Harvey Brotman, Judy Brotman Stephanie Clark, Don Elder, Katie Jenks, Jim Jenks, Patty Jenks, Alan Newton, Barbara Roby, Chris Schonenberger and Kathy Sherrieb.
2.      Administrative Matters:
a.      Jack appointed alternate Ben Kilham to sit on the Board.
b.      The minutes of January 26th were approved as submitted.
c.      Dick asked the Board for possible names to consider to replace Freda Swan as Lyme’s representative on the Upper Valley River sub-committee of the CT River Joint Commissions.  No suggestions were made for consideration.
d.      Stephanie Clark introduced herself to the Board and requested to be considered as an alternate member.  After a brief discussion, Ben moved and Dick seconded a motion to appoint her an alternate Planning Board member.  The motion carried.
3.      Lyme Center Academy Building site plan review:
a.      Dick recused himself saying that as a Selectman he was effectively the property owner.  There then not being a quorum to hear the case, the public hearing could not be held.
b.      Informally the following were presented / discussed with those in attendance:
i.      Adair Mulligan’s letter of February 7th expressing concerns about the drainage from the property and requesting that the parking lot be paved with a firm surface that doesn’t decrease porosity.
ii.     Don expressed his opposition to the project as proposed.  He stated that it did not solve the drainage issues of the wet area on the northeast part of the lot, moving the swing might damage the insulation over and protection of the fire fighting water tank, inadequate space was provided for emergency vehicles access to the fire fighting water tank and sprinkler system connection, and the proposal does not provide access to the rear entrance to the building.
4.      Jenks’ proposed subdivision of map 201 lot 128 informal:
a.      The Jenks came in to informally discuss a possible subdivision of their lot on the east side of High Street.  Major issues discussed concerned the requirement that both lots would have to be conforming lots under zoning and that the existing lot is in two zoning districts and possible lot reductions for conservation areas.  They were advised to work out the technical details with the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
5.      Newton / Paolino lot line adjustment:
a.      The “Notice of Decision” of May 13th and revised survey/plan was reviewed.  It was noted that the proposal before the Board only included the lot line adjustment between the Newton and Paolino Orford Road lots and did not include the Pinnacle Road non-conforming lot.
b.      No comments were received from the public.
c.      The Board carefully reviewed the revised survey/plan and determined that it met all the requirements of the earlier “Notice of Decision.”  Ben moved and Dick seconded a motion to approve the lot line adjustment.  The motion carried, and Jack was authorized to sign the mylar for the Board.
6.      The meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.
R. G. Jones